Still Doing Democracy!

Our premise is that American democracy depends on the engagement of the people acting on shared values for the common good. In these posts we will be offering insights and practical tools to understand the underlying myths that influence our perceptions, respond to important issues that need our attention, and develop strategies to participate effectively as Engaged Citizens. We look forward to your contribution to the conversation.

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom, Fifth Installment

By Jim Smith | May 21, 2019 |

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Fifth Installment “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” – Nelson Mandela This week we will continue to evaluate the quality of democracy in the United…

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Seventh Installment

By Jim Smith | June 7, 2019 |

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Seventh Installment   “This is the permanent tension that lies at the heart of a capitalist democracy and is exacerbated in times of crisis. In order to ensure the survival of…

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Second Installment

By Jim Smith | May 9, 2019 |

  Democracy: The Institutionalization of Freedom Trust is contingent on the evidence which one party provides the others of his true, concrete intentions; it cannot exist if that party’s words do not coincide with their actions. To say one thing…

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Ninth Installment

By Jim Smith | June 27, 2019 |

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Ninth Installment “The very design of neoliberal principles is a direct attack on democracy.” ― Noam Chomsky, Hopes and Prospects   In this week’s blog in this series on the future…

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom – Tenth Installment

By Jim Smith | July 4, 2019 |

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Tenth Installment If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. Malcom X This final…

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom – Eighth Installment

By Jim Smith | June 20, 2019 |

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom Eighth Installment “A state of shock is produced when a story is ruptured… Trump is not a rupture at all, but rather the culmination – the logical end point – of…

Beginning a Dialogue: Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom

By Jim Smith | May 4, 2019 |

Democracy and the Future of the Quest for Freedom  “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”            …